December development update

Cataria has seen some tremendous and diverse growth this month! We brought on two new teammates (Sara Staudt for 2D art and Miguel Garnica for programming), developed a system to play village activities, designed new character models, and expanded our community. Keep reading to learn more about these new updates.


Minigames are one of the core minute-to-minute mechanics of Ages of Cataria. As such, we've been putting our time and energy towards showing those off. Our game designer, Zack, not only designed two minigames for us to show in our trailer, but also organized their layouts in the engine, and created the blueprints code for functionality. Here’s a sneak peek of the archery minigame:

Ages of Cataria archery minigame draft

Emily, our animator, has been building arrow-shooting and ax-swinging animations to be utilized in these games, while Sam, our technical art lead and 3D character artist, and Sara, our new 2D generalist, are creating the visual assets and particles. We look forward to showing a more complete version of these minigames next month.

new humans

We got a lot of feedback (even internally) that our Human models were a liiiitle creepy. So with the help of our fabulous 2D artists, Ashley and Sara, we have begun to redesign our Humans. Last week, Sam shared her progress of the Male Adult Human 3D model, affectionately referred to as “Adam”:

New Adult Adam concept and model

The feedback from our community has been absolutely tremendous! Keep it coming!

How to Support Us

Every mechanic we add or visual we adjust is based on direct feedback we receive from our community (that’s you)! We thank you all for connecting with us through your favorite social platforms and sharing with us what you like and don't like. We love our game, but at the end of the day, it's all about you, and about creating a game that you love! This is why it's so important to us to keep growing our community every day. 

From the first 50 of you who joined our email list, we now have over 400 people receiving updates about the game! THANK YOU! Our next goal is to build our email list to 500 people strong, so if you want to support us, please share this link with at least one other person today:

Happy New Year

From our homes to yours, we wish you a very happy new year! As another year passes into history, we are reflecting on the tremendous commitment, vision, courage, and community that have kept us going all this time. We have some very exciting things in store for 2022, so stay connected to us, and be sure you let us know if there is anything you would like to see in Cataria!

Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind?
Should auld acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne?

For auld lang syne, my dear
For auld lang syne
We'll tak a cup o' kindness yet
For days of auld lang syne


Third Pie Studios


Cataria Dev Blog 2


Ages of Cataria: Dev Diary 01 - Skills Pt. 1